• Steering Group Meeting 2


    Image credit: European Southern Observatory

  • Decisions made at Meeting 2

    We only had time to talk about the review of the Bye-laws. Notes of the discussion are in the Bye-laws section of the "Decisions Needed" area of the website.

  • Meeting agenda

    Please read the supporting documentation in advance - all the links below

    1. Confirm the aim of the meeting and introduce Nicola Morriss from Birketts LLP
    2. Discussion of updating the Bye-Laws, with advice from Birketts LLP
    3. Discussion of Lucy's draft of how a Code of Conduct (or a set of Conduct Commitments, if you prefer that wording) could evolve
    4. Discussion of Lucy's draft of how the Treasurer role could evolve (hopefully including Mike C’s and Arvind’s opinions)
    5. Discussion of feedback from previous VPs and Secretaries about term lengths (2 years v 3 years v 5 years) and recommendations from Lucy
    6. Discussion of how to develop the VP role
    7. Discussion of draft guidance on Closed Sessions
    8. Progress update on other elements of the Review
    9. Date of our next meeting
    10. And of course, anything else you’d like to add!


    ... all this leading to deciding what to try to achieve leading up to the December Council meeting.




    Scroll down for links to the details for each item