• Commitments (ie Code of Conduct)


    Image credit: ESO/S. Guisard.

  • Key contents

    Update from SG3, in Nov 24

    This section sets out an updated draft of how a Trustee Code of Conduct might work, following discussion at Steering Group 3. (details in the minutes of SG3)

    Thank you for all your feedback!



    For the moment, I've called this work "Conduct Commitments", to avoid confusion with the Member Code of Conduct. But if you think people can cope with the idea that there's a Code for Members and a separate one for Trustees, it's the work of a moment to change this.


    I've also suggested how the Society could manage possible disputes or allegations that a Trustee had failed to meet a commitment.



  • Conduct Commitment draft: click on each block to reveal its contents.

  • Draft of breaches process

  • As above, click on each block to reveal its contents.

  • Your feedback on the Conduct Commitments

    If you have any thoughts or ideas on the information above, please add your feedback to the relevant box(es) and click 'Send'.

    Lucy will receive all the feedback, and then compile and share all comments.